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Seminar 4:
Until a few years ago, bells of one sort or another were an integral part of our lives: bedside alarm clock, doorbell, school bell, clock bell, fire bell, telephone bell, church bell, babies' rattles, bicycle bells. Bellringing terms, such as 'ring the changes' and 'ring out the old ring in the new' are common. Bells themselves are divided arbitrarily into two groups: tintinnabula are small bells, while large bells are signa. This talk will concentrate on small bells. Then there are the signa: the largest is about 200 tons; signa are actually complex musical instruments. How are they made and how are they tuned? What are the differences between bellringing in England and on the Continent? The talk will include a detailed account of the complex style which is peculiarly English. Myths and legends surrounding bellringing will be explored, along with comments on how bells impinge on our spiritual lives. The talk will be illustrated both visually and acoustically.