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Seminar 7:
Words in Time: T S Eliot's Four Quartets

"It appears likely that poets in our civilization, as it exists at present, must be difficult ... the poet must become more and more comprehensive, more allusive, more indirect, in order to force, to dislocate if necessary, language into his meaning" (from 'The Metaphysical Poets', 1921, in Eliot's Selected Essays, Faber & Faber, London, p. 289).

All meaning is a product of the language we share; and if we cannot share a "religious" language, religious experience must remain largely unintelligible.

How then, can readers' minds be opened to God in a secular age that regards religious experience as (at best) a purely private matter?

Date Tuesday 20 June
Time 7.30 pm - 9.30 pm
Venue St Peter's, Eastern Hill
Cost $15 (concession: $12)
Conductor Dr Robin Grove
taught Literature at the University of Melbourne from 1964 to 2005, during which time he published more than 1,000 reviews, articles and books on a wide range of subjects.

Authorized by the Vicar (
and the Institute for Spiritual Studies (
Maintained by the Editor (
© 2006 The Institute for Spiritual Studies