The Petrus Ensemble, 2003 St Peter's
Music Pages

Presenting the best of traditional and contemporary liturgical music

Music List - February, 2004

February 11am Setting Missa Philipina Cardoso
1st Motet Nunc dimittis Parsons
5pm Responses plainsong
Candlemas Canticles plainsong
Anthem Eins bitte ich Schütz

February 11am Setting Missa brevis in G major Mozart
8th Motet Hear, O heav'ns Humfrey
5pm Responses plainsong
Septuagesima Canticles plainsong
(OS 5) Anthem

February 11am Setting Missa Iste Confessor Palestrina
15th Motet Das ist meine Freude J.L. Bach
5pm Responses plainsong
Sexagesima Canticles plainsong
(OS 6) Anthem

February 11am Setting Mass in G major Schubert
22nd Motet Schafe können sicher weiden J.S. Bach
5pm Responses Tomkins
Quinquagesima Canticles Short Service Gibbons
(OS 7) Anthem Thou visitest the earth Greene

February 6.15pm Setting Mass for four voices Byrd
25th Motet In jejunio et fletu Tallis
Ash Wednesday Imposition Emendemus in melius Morales

February 11am Setting Missa brevis Lotti
29th Motet Deleo super te Du Mont
5pm Responses plainsong
Lent 1 Canticles plainsong

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Maintained by the Editor (
© 1998–2004 St Peter's Church