Singing from the Handfield chapel St Peter's
Music Pages

Presenting the best of traditional and contemporary liturgical music

Music List - March, 2011

March 11am Setting Mass in F Darke
6th Motet Ave verum Byrd
Postlude Fanfare Kenneth Leighton
Ordinary 5pm Responses plainsong
Sunday 9 Canticles Dyson in C minor
Postlude Be not afraid Mendelssohn

March 6.15pm Setting Mass for Four Voices Byrd
9th Imposition Emendemus in melibus Byrd
Ash Wednesday Motet Miserere mei Byrd

March 11am Setting Missa in illo tempore Monteverdi
13th Motet Laboravi in gemitu meo Gesualdo
Postlude Prelude on a theme of Palestrina Arthur Milner
Lent 1 5pm Responses plainsong
Canticles Dyson in C minor
Anthem Stabat Mater (excerpts) Pergolesi
Postlude from 'Stabat Mater' Pergolesi

March 11am Setting Missa simile est regnum coelorum Victoria
20th Motet Remember not, Lord, our offences Purcell
Postlude Pastorale Sostenuto John McCabe
Lent 2 5pm Responses plainsong
Canticles plainsong
Anthem Stabat Mater (excerpts) Pergolesi
Postlude ...from Stabat Mater Pergolesi

March 10.30am Setting Missa 'Surge propera' Francisco Guerrero
27th Motet Therefore with joy shall ye draw water W Sterndale Bennett
Postlude Andantino Jean Langlais
Lent 3 5pm Responses plainsong
Canticles plainsong
Anthem Stabat Mater (excerpts) Pergolesi
Postlude ...from Stabat Mater Pergolesi

Authorized by the Director of Music(
Maintained by the Editor (
© 2011 St Peter's Church