St Peter's
Music Pages
Presenting the best of traditional and contemporary liturgical music
Music List - October, 2017
Previous |
Index |
October |
11am |
Setting |
1st |
Motet |
Ordinary |
Postlude |
Sunday 26 |
6pm |
Low Mass |
October |
11am |
Setting |
8th |
Motet |
Ordinary |
Postlude |
Sunday 27 |
6pm |
Low Mass |
October |
11am |
Setting |
15th |
Motet |
Ordinary |
Postlude |
Sunday 28 |
6pm |
Low Mass |
October |
11am |
Setting |
22nd |
Motet |
Postlude |
Ordinary |
6pm |
Responses |
plainsong |
Sunday 29 |
Canticles |
plainsong |
Anthem |
Postlude |
October |
11am |
Setting |
29th |
Motet |
Ordinary |
Postlude |
Sunday 30 |
6pm |
Low Mass |
Previous |
Index |
Music Page
Authorized by the Director of Music(music-director@stpeters.org.au)
Maintained by the Editor (editor@stpeters.org.au)
© 2017 St Peter's Church