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Vicar's Musings for the Second Sunday in Lent

21 February, 2016

The Parish Council meets this coming Wednesday, and as usual I would like to share with you a brief synopsis of my Vicar's Report, so as to keep the wider parish informed of our deliberations. Transparent, efficient, fair, and democratic governance are key elements of a healthy parish. For those interested in the minutes of Parish Council, a copy is always available to view at the Welcome Table after church, or electronically by request through the Parish Office.

170th Anniversary. On 18th June 1846 then Superintendent Charles La Trobe laid the foundation stone of St Peter's Eastern Hill. This was before there was even a Bishop of Melbourne. On 22nd March 1847 the Rt Rev'd William Broughton, Bishop of Australia, gave permission for the 'temporary' use of St Peter's by the congregation. It was not until the 'first service' on 6th August 1848, with the newly installed Bishop of Melbourne, the Rt Rev'd Charles Perry, that St Peter's Eastern Hill was formally considered to exist in its own right. Given the history, a question arises: when and how will we celebrate our 170th Anniversary? Parish Council will be discussing this on Wednesday, so please do talk to the Vicar or other members with your ideas.

Ordination Candidates. Three members of the St Peter's congregation are seeking to discern if God is calling them to ordination as a priest. The Rev'd Louise Laing, who many of you will know as Coordinator of the Lazarus Centre, was ordained earlier this month as a Deacon. Louise is serving her curacy with Anglicare, but the Archbishop has asked that she also receive training in parish ministry through St Peter's. Each month, Louise will therefore serve as Deacon at the 9.30am Mass. Dave Thompson has been a minister with the Church of Christ for 26 years, and currently serves as Chaplain to Ambulance Services. He joined St Peter's last year, and is discerning a call to be a priest within the Anglican Church. One of this year's Klingner Scholars and member of the Guild of Servers, Christine Angus, is also discerning a call to the priesthood. Please pray for Louise, Dave and Christine.

Can you help with Project Management? The maintenance of our historic site is a huge issue each year for Wardens and Parish Council, let alone progressing ideas for site development. Rather than a single person, the 'Property Warden', or even all three Wardens, bearing the sole weight of this responsibility, the Parish Leadership team (Vicar, Wardens, Treasurer and Foundation Representative) are seeking to share the load through a Project Management approach to maintenance and development. So, for example, we currently need a Master Plan of the site, in order to advance the Coffee Cart plaza development. The Wardens have their hands full, with the move of the office and numerous other property tasks, so we are seeking a parishioner with experience in planning and fundraising to provide leadership and assist the Parish with this task.

The Rev'd Dr Hugh Kempster


Views is a publication of
St Peter's Eastern Hill, Melbourne Australia.

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