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Vicar's Musings for Ordinary Sunday 18

31 July, 2016

Each month, following the Parish Council meeting, the Vicar's Musings usually reflect on some of the key issues considered. The PC minutes are available to view the month following each meeting, at the Welcome Table after Mass, or through the Parish Administrator (ph. 9662 2391).

Opening Reflection. David Spriggs, a member of the 9.30am congregation, led our reflection this month. In the wake of the shocking reports from Don Dale prison, and the promised Royal Commission into youth detention, he helped us reflect on the question: "Welfare — what does it mean to fare well?" Writing from the perspective of social policy, Prof. John Hudson notes: "the word 'welfare' ... is rooted in the fusion of the verb 'fare' with the adverb 'well': what does it mean for someone to fare well?" Since the early days of Anglo-Catholicism well-fare has been a central gospel concern. In Mother Esther and the Mission to Streets and Lanes, in Fr Tucker and the Brotherhood of St Laurence, and in those who work and volunteer at the Lazarus Centre today, we have shining examples of those who are passionate in assisting the needy to fare well.

Coffee Cart and Corner Plaza Development. The Social Enterprise committee has now been incorporated; and heritage architects, Lovell-Chen, have been commissioned to present our plans to Heritage Victoria. Fundraising will commence in the Spring.

Mission Action Plan — Children and Youth. Each month we focus on one of our seven areas of parish mission. At this meeting we identified children and youth as a particular priority area for the coming twelve months. At next month's PC planning day, we will set aside time to firm up concrete goals and objectives. Let us know your ideas too!

Pastoral Update. Our prayers for Mabor Tut, who is recovering in hospital in Adelaide after being shot while visiting South Sudan; parishioner Edgar Hunter was laid to rest from St Peter's recently; Fr Colin Holden's Requiem Mass will be held at St Peter's this Tuesday.

Outreach and Events. The recent visit of Christ's College Cambridge choir was a great success, as was the West Papua film night, and +Brad's book-launch at St Peter's. This month we also hosted a group of Third Order Franciscans, a gathering of the Society of the Sacred Mission, and 140 Year 6 children from St Louis de Montfort's Primary School as part of their confirmation preparation program.

Staff news. Bp Graeme returns next week, from a locum at Newcastle Cathedral; Fr Philip is currently on leave; Kosta is taking annual leave next month, and Helen Drummond is kindly helping in the office; Adam is also taking leave next month, to be covered by Bruce Kellett.

Vicarage Renovations. Room by room, year by year, the Vicarage is slowly being renovated. The Vicarage family (mostly Ree!) is doing the painting, and this year the Parish is working on the main bathroom.

The Rev'd Dr Hugh Kempster

Views is a publication of
St Peter's Eastern Hill, Melbourne Australia.

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