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Seminar 2:
Church, Ministry and Ordination:
An Inter-Church Study

For some years, there have been official dialogues between Anglican, Lutheran and Uniting Churches, aimed at lowering the barriers between them. A major goal is the mutual recognition of ordained ministries, a step that would make it possible for ministers of one of these churches to be appointed to serve – in particular to preside at the celebration of the Eucharist – in one of the other churches. At present this is not possible.

After reaching an important stage in bilateral dialogues, representatives of these three churches have been holding a series of three-way conversations, since there was a good deal of overlap in the problems identified in each dialogue. The problems are greatest in our understanding of the relation between the church and the ministry, with significant implications for the theology and practice of ordination.

In this conversation Anglicans and Lutherans are closer to each other than the Uniting Church is to either of them. What is the extent of agreement between them and where do they most significantly diverge? Where does each challenge the others? Are they any closer on the question that has most sharply divided them in the past, viz. episcopacy? Is their divergent practice of ordination a serious obstacle to progress towards the mutual recognition of ministries?

This seminar will consider these questions in the light of the agreements arrived at by the various Joint Working Groups and the three-way conversations held over the last year and a half.

Date Tuesday 15 March
Time 7.30 pm - 9.30 pm
Venue St Peter's Church, Eastern Hill
Cost $15 (concession: $12) includes light supper
Conductor Rev'd Professor Chris Mostert,
minister of the Uniting Church of Australia, Professor of Systematic Theology in the (Uniting Church) Theological Hall, Melbourne, Vice-President of the Melbourne College of Divinity, and who has been the Uniting Church Co-Chair of the Joint Working Group of the Anglican and Uniting Churches in Australia.

Authorized by the Vicar (
and the Institute for Spiritual Studies (
Maintained by the Editor (
© 2003 The Institute for Spiritual Studies