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Seminar Series:
Introduction to the year 2005 program


Welcome to this ISS brochure for 2005 – either on our website or in the print version. Once again we encourage you to find the seminars that take your interest or spark your curiosity, and then plan to join us. We do our best to hit the right note in the topics offered and the speakers chosen. I think you will agree that there is a good mix again for the year that is ahead.

The last year has been very encouraging for us, The hard work of our Organisining Committee, headed by Dr Jan Gordon-Clark, has been amply rewarded by an excellent response. Well-attended seminars mean even more stimulating question and answer sessions and, of course, the conversation continues over refreshments too.

ISS at St peter's, Eastern Hill exists to address the spiritual needs and searching of a broad-ranging ecumenical constituency, which finds this city location one that works as a gathering place for this type of venture. St Peter's Eastern Hill, as the Anglican parish churhc of the City of Melbourne since 1847, is delighted to offer and share its facilities in this particular way.

We welcome and encourage your support for ISS in 2005, and we look forward to seeing you.

Rev'd Dr John Davis
Vicar of St Peter's Church, Eastern Hill
Director of the Institute for Spiritual Studies

Program for 2005

Click on the name or title for further details about any event.

1. Rev'd Libby Delbridge. Walking and Praying the Journey
Saturday 5 March, 10.00 am–3.30 pm

2. Rev'd Professor Chris Mostert. Church, Ministry and Ordination
Tuesday 15 March, 7.30 pm–9.30 pm

3. Dr Morna Sturrock. James Morehouse: Bishop of magnetic power
Tuesday 12 April, 7.30 pm–9.30 pm

4. Right Rev'd Peter Hollingworth. Does Spirituality have a Place in the Public Domain?
Wednesday 27 April, 7.30 pm–9.30 pm

5. Fr Christopher Willcock. Everday Blessings: Song and the Church's Praise
Tuesday 3 May, 7.30 pm–9.30 pm

6. Tarrawarra Abbey. Ecumenical Vespers for the Vigil of Pentecost
Saturday 14 May, 3.00 pm–6.00 pm

7. Right Rev'd Tome Frame. The Influence of American Foreign Policy on Global Christianity
Wednesday 18 May, 7.30 pm–9.30 pm

8. Rowan Callick. The Twenty-First Century is the Asian Century
Wednesday 8 June, 7.30 pm–9.30 pm

9. Dr David O'Brien. Friendship with God: Utter Nonsense or Mankind's Destiny?
Wednesday 6 July, 7.30 pm–9.30 pm

10. David Richardson. The Gnostics and the Da Vinci Code
Tuesday 19 July, 7.30 pm–9.30 pm

11. Right Rev'd Gerald Beaumont. The Gift of Creativity
Tuesday 9 August, 7.30 pm–9.30 pm

12. Rev'd Catherine Thomson, Gordon Preece and Canon John Stewart.
      Homosexuality, Christian Community, and Word of God
Thursday 18 August, 7.30 pm–9.30 pm

13. Carmelite Monastery. Vespers for the Feast of St Elias
Wednesday 20 July, 5.45 pm

Authorized by the Vicar (
and the Institute for Spiritual Studies (
Maintained by the Editor (
© 2003 The Institute for Spiritual Studies