Picture of the carving showing Christ the compassionate

The Breakfast Program


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What is the Lazarus Centre?

The Lazarus Centre provides an important ministry to homeless people and the very poor of the CBD of Melbourne. It operates from St Peter's Eastern Hill, and provides breakfast and fellowship to a large number of people seeking nourishment, company and comfort. The breakfast is the first available meal for people after a long night sleeping rough. It is the first opportunity to have some food and be able to converse with other people. St Peter's Eastern Hill is committed to Social Justice and our call as Christians to reach out to those in need of both spiritual and temporal sustenance.

Christ calls us to action, and it is through this action that we glorify Him and offer ourselves in service and humility.

"For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me ... Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me." (Matt 25:35,40)

It is our prayer the the Holy Spirit works through us and our deeds to spread the Good News of Christ and draw those most alientated and forgotten by society into relationship with the Father. Amen

What Do We Do?

Breakfast generally comprises a range of cereal, toast, tea and coffee. The service operates on a self-serve basis and people can eat as much or as little as they wish.

Food is obtained for the breakfast and for food parcels through donations, purchases from a food warehouse, or purchases from supermarkets.

The service operates 7 days a week between the hours of 7.30 and 9.00 am. Small food parcels are also made available, and this important service is made possible largely through the support and donations of the public.

A cooked breakfast of bacon, eggs and hash browns occurs twice a month on the first and third Wednesdays. We have extra help from corporate volunteers on those days.

On Fridays at 11.00 am a Health Time Barbecue is held in conjunction with Doutta Galla Community Health Services. During this time workers from legal, housing and health services are able to come alongside clients in a relaxed and friendly environment.

After breakfast, clients are encouraged to access further services at St Mark's Community Centre in Fitzroy, where there are a number of facilities, including showers, washing machines, dryers, substantial food parcels, meals and recreational activities.

Who Are We?

The Breakfast program is run under the auspices of Anglicare Victoria, and is co-ordinated daily by two paid staff members. However, the running of the program would not be possible without the volunteers who work each morning to help provide this ministry. Volunteers are drawn from within and outside the parish, and from a diversity of backgrounds and ages.

How Can You Help?

If you feel that you would like to participate or contribute to this valuable service, please contact the co-ordinator on 0458 750 031. The Centre is always keen to staff new volunteers, and all donations (especially non-perishable groceries and blankets) are graciously appreciated!

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