Special Services, Festivals and Feast Days
- Christ the King — Sunday 25 November
- Combined Parish High Mass at 10.00 am, followed by lunch and the Annual Meeting of the Parish at 12.00 noon.
- Advent Sunday — Sunday 2 December
- The first Sunday in Advent features the usual Sunday Masses, with the Litany sung in procession at the 11 am High Mass.
Christmas at St Peter's
- Christmas Eve — Monday 24 December
- 6.00 p.m. Children's Mass and Nativity Play and the arrival of St Nicholas
11.00 p.m. Carol singing
11.30 p.m. Midnight Mass with Procession and Blessing of the Crib.
- Christmas Day — Tuesday 25 December
- 8.00 a.m. Mass (BCP)
- 10.00 a.m. Procession and High Mass
- Holy Family — Sunday 30 December
- 8.00 a.m. Mass (BCP)
- 9.30 a.m. Family Mass
- 11.00 a.m. Procession and High Mass
- 7.00 p.m. Festival of Lessons and Carols
A special celebration with the St Peter's choir.
Note: There will be no Evensong, Benediction or 6.00 pm.
Mass on this day.
- Epiphany — Sunday 6 January, 2016
- The Epiphany of Our Lord will be celebrated during the usual Sunday masses, with a Procession at the 11 am High Mass.
- The Baptism of Our Lord — Sunday 13 January, 2016
- Usual Sunday Masses, with Procession at the 11.00 am High Mass.
Notes for your diary
Advent Study Groups
- Sundays at 1.15 pm — "Walking the Labyrinth"
- Starting on Advent Sunday, and then running for four weeks, the vicar will lead a Sunday Advent course on the Labyrinth. Week one will be an introduction to the Labyrinth as an ancient kinaesthetic method of prayer. In subsequent weeks, Carol OConnor and Fr Greg Davies will assist with Advent reflections and meditations.
- Wednesdays at 2.30 pm — "The Art of Advent"
- Starting on Wednesday 5th December, this four week study group will study together Jane Williams' book The Art of Advent: a Painting a Day from Advent to Epiphany (SPCK, 2018). This group will be co-led by Carol O'Connor and the vicar: 2.30 - 3.30 pm in the vicarage.
ISS Seminars
- The 2018 program for the Institiute for Spiritual Studies has now been completed. Details of the 2019 program will be available shortly.
Click here for further details about the ISS.
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Page last modified on Friday November 16, 2018
Authorized by the Vicar
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